The words ‘global’ and ‘globalized’ are common these days. The educational world also emphasizes ‘global education’, the ‘developing of global talented people’ and supports future education. But when we actually ask what the words ‘global’ and ‘globalization’ mean, not many has a clear idea, making it even more uncertain when asked what the Education for globally talented person is.
There are already many schools of east and west running exchange programs under the ‘global education’ title. Students who participate have a memorable and fun experience, but most of programs end up with just that experience and nothing else.
Coram Deo Education emphasis on importance of educational and cultural exchange between Australian schools and foreign schools and to actively interact with them. We plays role of bridge during the interaction and to build relationship between schools.

The picture above was taken in 2013 when Bob Carr, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, visited the site of Tyndale Christian school’s sister school in Jeonla-bukdo, part of a global exchange event that also included the President of Incheon Soon-Duk Girl’s High School.
Making an agreement for sister school is important and carefully considered. Character of school and their willingness to develop relationship are important factors. And even when the decision is made there is still considerable planning and cultural exchange to undergo, an area where most schools struggle. Successful cases always require endurance, and finance and mental investment. Also, many has hurt their feelings due to cultural difference and misunderstanding in way of expressing.
Coram Deo Education is experts in exchange field able to assist all aspects of the process, supporting various successful education and culture pursuits.