EFFECT International School Exchange Program Trip to Australia : August, 2019

This year, on the 11th August to 20th August, six students and one teacher from EFFECT International School in aobaku kanagawaken Japan visited and were integrated into the learning cycle of Norwest Christian College for ten days as part of Coram Deo’s International Academic Exchange.
Norwest, in co-operation with Coram Deo, organised homestay families to allow all students to be better involved and experience first-hand Australian lifestyle. The families welcomed all the students from EFFECT into their homes. It was a valuable experience for all involved having students immersed into home life with their host families. In addition to this, students were able to make the most of the successful exchange program experience through the local education system as well as the school integration program implemented by Coram Deo.
This exchange program gave all students the opportunity to make new friends 8,000km away and share many unforgettable memories together. The students from EFFECT were also able to visit a number of well recognised Sydney landmarks such as the Opera house, North Head, Manly Beach and the Port Stephens, the Blue Mountains.
The exchange was only 10 days, but during that time the students experienced and participated in numerous activities that were socially and academically beneficial.
Coram Deo extends the best of wishes to the 6 students who travelled from EFFECT to Australia and hope that the experience will help them to be more globally aware for the future.


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