About Australian Education

Australia Education

The basic Australian education system is 6 years of primary school followed by another 6 years for high school. But a major difference with the Australian education is the greater active emphasis on free discussion and critique, and the focus on developing curiosity, thinking and creativity.

Through this system students learn co-working, discussion, participation, broad reading skills and critique thinking abilities by actively participating in this very different approach to study. Australian education ensues that students find and choose the right study path for what they need. Australian students are tended to learn foreign language quicker than many other nations. Australia’s education since early stage strengthens their independence, flexibility, adaptability and global mind.

There are about 3000 universities in America but Australian only has about 40. Yet according to the Times Higher Education Supplement’s university rankings one third of Australian universities are in the top 200, and over 8 universities are in the top 100. Australian population, which is only about 0.3% of the total world population, has contributed a lot to many industries and continuously sends out more and more talented people to the world. The familiar solar battery, penicillin, black box, radio telescope, Xerox copy machine, heart beat controller, vaccines for bird influenza, latex gloves for surgery and various other products are all developed by Australian inventors and scientists. Behind this world wide contribution there has always been the special Australian education system.

Australia is the one and only country that Government ensures such diverse education with such a high level of quality guaranteed. Elsewhere, foreign students can spend exuberant amounts of money and time to learn English and proper grammar, but it is much easier to learn the language skills in Australia with continuous support from the education. International schooling is not cheap; but it is a better investment in the long term and actually ends up costing less. Students find time to learn and improve arts, music, sports or any field of their interest while English skills will natural improve through academic studies and socialising.

Education Structure

Primary School Education Early Stage1; Kindergarten
Stage 1; Year 1, 2
Stage 2; Year 3, 4
Stage 3; Year 5, 6
Completion of Primary School
Secondary School Education Stage 4; Year 7, 8
Stage 5; Year 9, 10
Completion of SC (School Certificate)
Stage 6; Year 11, 12
Completion of HSC (High School Certificate)

Talented Education of New South Wales (NSW)

New South Wales (NSW) as a major state of Australia, which not only emphasizes historical, conservative English education, but also invests greatly in education to single out talented people. This education system is renowned globally.

The talents of the New South Wales education system is not limited to academia, but also extends to physically talented people on the sporting field as well. Several schools that produced talented sporting stars have been awarded the ‘Sport and Youth Trophy’ from the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The Public Primary Schools offer Opportunity Classes (OC Class) at year 4, selecting academically talented students via an entry examination. Also, year 6 primary students take entry examination to admit into Selective School from year 7. These Selective School has proven their high standard of education through strong matriculation for their past graduates. Private Schools also aware of importance and value of classes for gifted and runs Gifted and Talented Classes.

The talented education selection criterion is evaluated by English, Math, General Ability, Creative Writing ability.